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Food Security Distribution Centre

The Mustard Seed

Redistributes Fresh, Nutritious Foods

The Food Security Distribution Centre rescues and receives over 10,000 pounds of food each weekday from over 32 local grocery stores and donors, and safely distributes it via 75 local social service agencies, positively impacting the estimated 70,000 food insecure individuals in our region. The FSDC partners with Flourish School Food Society to deliver meals to 17 schools.

In partnership with the Food Share Network, we are progressively reducing both food insecurity and greenhouse gas emissions in the Greater Victoria area.



Information on large-scale donations

If you are donating a pallets worth of food, please contact
foodrescue@mustardseed.ca  or emily@mustardseed.ca for information. If you wish to receive a large scale pick up, please allow 72 hours notice as our trucks have busy schedules. Not all orders can be picked up.



75 Partner Organizations

0 +

2.1 Million Pounds of Food Rescued Annually

Agency Access to Food

Connect with the Food Share Network

Large Scale Donations

For company and large scale donations, please contact emily@mustardseed.ca or foodrescue@mustardseed.ca

Food Bank Donations

 For food bank donations, please click here


Click here to register as a volunteer

Thank you to our Grocery Partners and our Funding Partners

We also acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia


Country Grocer


Market on Yates

Quality Foods

Root Cellar

Save On Foods



Urban Grocer


Whole Foods