We thank you for you choosing to volunteer with us at the Mustard Seed Street Church during this unprecedented pandemic. Due to the government guidelines over social gathering sizes, combined with the current research on how the virus is transmitted, we have restricted our services and access to our buildings. In order to maintain services, we are building a small team of volunteers to help where needed and we thank you for choosing to be on this team.
If you are not familiar with the COVID-19 virus, please visit the World Health Organization website and/or the British Columbia Centre for Disease Control website for more information.
By signing this form you are stating that you understand, agree, and declare that in volunteering with the Mustard Seed Street Church during the COVID-19 pandemic that you will not be paid in any form of compensation for the tasks you will be performing while on site and that you are offering your assistance freely and voluntarily. You are and will be solely responsible for your own health and safety during your time of service with us. Your signature on this form indicates that you have taken the time to educate and inform yourself on the COVID-19 virus and that you agree to hold harmless and indemnify The Mustard Seed Street Church from any and all liability for personal and property damage, injury, illness, death, damages, costs, charges, expenses, and interest, including legal costs and charges on a full indemnity, solicitor-client basis, for any personal or property loss, or damages to you or your heirs, successors, assigns, or anyone who might otherwise claim through you, arising from your decision to volunteer with the Mustard Seed Street Church during the COVID-19 pandemic. You release The Mustard Seed Street Church, its board members, employees, agents, and representatives from any and all claims, at law, equity, or under legislations that you, or your heirs, successors, assigns, or those who might otherwise claim through you now or in the future might otherwise have been able to advance against The Mustard Seed Street Church.